Eat NO Fruits or Vegetables?

Well, the introduction of fruits and vegetables to the llamas failed.  They ALL turned up their noses, literally, to the bananas with or without the peel, baby carrots, mini corn cobs, sliced apples, orange chunks and orange rind. What did they get excited over? Alfalfa! Como T. Llama enjoys eating alfalfa. Truly, alfalfa doesn’t look tasty, but when five llamas …

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Llama Alarm Cry!

Here is the sound of a llama’s alarm cry! If you scoured the Internet, you’d be hard-pressed to find this sound! Mama Llama has been patiently (kinda) waiting for more than a year for one of her llamas to emit this cry (while having a video camera available). Finally, it happened today.   You’re not going to believe that this …

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Llama Pedicures

All five llamas received a pedicure this morning.  None liked it very much. It’s kinda hard to blame them. They had to stand in a portable llama chute to keep them still and safe from being nicked by the trimmers. Llamas fuss when their feet are lifted off the ground, because then they can’t run to defend themselves. I commend …

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50 Pictures for One Pose

How many photos should a person have to take to capture five llamas in a single frame? The llamas of ShangriLlama The answer is…50! Or at least that’s how many photos we took today, and even then, one llama didn’t quite cooperate. Still, we’re pleased to show you the entire pack’s photo:   Barack O’Llama is the little brownish-black one …

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The Three-Llama Lead Experiment

It’s kinda difficult for one person to walk three young llamas. Each one likes to move in a different direction toward whichever leaf or blade of grass interests him most. So to avoid tangling the llamas’ lead lines, the handler has to constantly flip the ropes about. Mama Llama was about to try out for a part-time job as a …

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Llama Llove

Happy New Year from Mama Llama!   This new blog is for llama llovers.   Question: How do you know if you’re a genuine llama llover?   Answer: 1. You can’t get these woolly, funny, humpless camels off your mind!   2. Hands down, llamas are your favorite animal.   3. You own lots of llama-related items (tee shirts, stuffed …

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