Of Mice and Popcorn?

Guess what it smells like when llamas release a hormone to warn the rest of their pack that danger is lurking? Some say it smells like the odor of mice (yuck!), while others liken it to burned, buttered or caramel popcorn. It depends on the llama whether the scent is mousy or reminiscent of a variety of Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn …

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Llama Cookies

During this Girl Scout Cookie Season, the ShangriLlama llamas are ruminating about a new flavor they’d like topropose, because it is… …as enticing as Thin Mints™, …as delicious as Tagalongs™, …as exotic as Samoas™, …as flavorful as Lemon Chalet Cremes™, …as playful as Do-Si-Dos™, …and as shapely as Trefoils™! Introducing Llama Cookies! Enough Llama Cookies for a Pack! These seemingly …

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Dirty Llama

Barack O’Llama loves getting dirty, which is unusual for a llama! He’ll walk through muddy puddles, while his stable mates will jump over or go around them. And “Barry” will roll in hay, which sticks to his coat. He’s not bothered a bit by looking messy. Como T. Llama and Bahama Llama, however, prefer to be clean, and they’ll nibble …

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Upside Down Llama

Did you know that llamas love to roll around on their backs in dust? They do it almost every day! Their feet are sensitive enough to detect when the ground beneath them is  powdery enough for a good backscratch. Then there’s nothing a person can do to interrupt this highly pleasurable activity. Look at the gleeful Pajama Llama, below:   …

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Llama Check-Ups

Today the llamas received their annual check-up. A Registered Nurse came to inspect each one of them. Lucky for us, this male nurse is also a llama expert. In fact, Mama Llama bought Como T. Llama from his pack! So the animals experienced great care. But look how surprised Barack O’Llama was when he got the memo today: Barack O’Llama …

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Llama Llunch Pack

Llamas won’t carry people, but they will carry your lunch, or camping equipment, or other items weighing less than 100 pounds. Bahama Llama and Pajama Llama are ShangriLlama’s pack llamas, because they are both fully grown adult males with nice, straight backs. Their packs are custom-made just for llamas! The base is fleece, the saddle is a moldable leather, and …

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Llama Cousins

These are the llama’s four cousins. Do you see the resemblance? Llamas Guanaco, the llama’s wild cousin Alpaca Vicuna, the alpaca’s wild cousin Yup, it’s a camel–distant cousin of the llama and alpaca Why does Mama Llama favor the llama over its camelid cousins? Well, it’s pretty obvious when it comes to the camel. Scary! Don’t mess with a camel! …

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When a llama wants to take a load off his feet, he kushes. That simply means he sits down. However, kushing is an unusual position for large animals. But then llamas are unusual critters in many ways , wouldn’t you say? Take a peek at Pajama Llama in the kush position: Pajama Llama spends a “kushy” afternoon in the arena. …

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Happy Birthday, Bahama Llama!

Bahama Llama is 8 years old. This very round number is ideal for this BIG boy! Bahama Llama Dresses Up for a Llama Walk A llama’s birth date is listed on its International Registration Certificate, which contains some interesting facts:   Registered Name:  Bahama Llama’s “real” name is Nitro Glistening, which couldn’t be farther from a good description of this …

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Eat NO Fruits or Vegetables?

Well, the introduction of fruits and vegetables to the llamas failed.  They ALL turned up their noses, literally, to the bananas with or without the peel, baby carrots, mini corn cobs, sliced apples, orange chunks and orange rind. What did they get excited over? Alfalfa! Como T. Llama enjoys eating alfalfa. Truly, alfalfa doesn’t look tasty, but when five llamas …

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