LLAMAS LOVE HIGH PLACES. After all, they hail from the Andes mountain range across South America, which averages 2-1/2 miles high. So Mama Llama was thinking it would be nice to add a mountain to her llamas’ meadow, or more realistically, a lovely grassy knoll. To accomplish this feat, Mama Llama dragged invited Papa Llama to accompany her to Home Depot. Together, she was sure that this one-size-fits-all supply store would help them find just the right materials to enhance their animal attraction.

Before proceeding, dear reader, please know that Mama Llama delights in the funny looks she receives when she “casually” mentions that she has a pack of llamas in her backyard. Saying the “L” word (Llama) makes most people’s brains misfire, resulting in this typical response: “I’m sorry. Did you say…llamas?” It really is quite amusing. So imagine Mama Llama’s excitement at the possibility of stumping and stunning a Home Depot customer service rep by requesting a grassy knoll for her la-la-la-la-llamas. What great fun!
When Mama and Papa Llama arrived at the Home Depot customer service desk, Mama Llama smiled big. Then she “innocently” asked:
Mama Llama then explained the project to everyone and chuckled at the frequent interjections from Rep #1, who was now in full command of his senses and enjoying twisting the minds of his fellow employees.
Then Rep #1—who had grown quite fond of Mama and Papa Llama for making his day so amusing—whisked us away for a tour of all the options for creating the grassy part of our knoll. We looked at grass seeds, various types of Astroturf and even burlap. Then we thanked him and said that we’d return with our decision about the grass but wanted to create the knoll first. One must be logical about such things! So we went to the car to phone companies that sell dump trucks full of clean dirt and crushed granite. But it was too late in the day to reach any of them, because we had overindulged in fun at Home Depot!
So as soon as Mama and Papa Llama can go shopping for dirt and gravel, we’ll post Part Two of “Just a Grassy Knoll.” And eventually, we’ll have video to show you of our pack of llamas playing King of the Hill.
Until then…Happy Trails!